lecture 1, Introduction
lecture 2, Performance Analysis and Asymptotic notations
lecture 3, Performance Measurement
lecture 4, Abstract Data Types
lecture 5, Sparse Matrices
lecture 6, Arrays
lecture 7, Stacks
lecture 8, Stacks Continued
lecture 9, Queues
lecture 10, Linked List
lecture 11, Trees
lecture 12, Binary Tree
lecture 13, Binary Tree Traversal Methods
lecture 14, Priority Queues
lecture 15, Max Heap
lecture 16, Binary Search Trees
lecture 17, Selection Trees
lecture 18, Disjoint Sets
lecture 19, Graphs
lecture 20, Graph Search Methods
lecture 21, Minimum-Cost Spanning Tree
lecture 22, Shortest Path Problems
lecture 23, Single-Source All-Destinations Shortest Paths With General Weights
lecture 24, All-Pairs Shortest Paths
lecture 25, Sorting
lecture 26, External Sorting
lecture 27, Improve Run Merging
lecture 28, Improve Run Generation
lecture 29, Optimal Merging Of Runs
lecture 30, Hash Table
lecture 31, Overflow Handling
lecture 32, Bloom Filters
lecture 33, Amortized Complexity
lecture 34, Binomial Heaps
lecture 35, Analysis Of Binomial Heaps
lecture 36, Fibonacci Heaps
lecture 37, Analysis Of Fibonacci Heaps
lecture 38, Pairing Heaps
lecture 39, Double-Ended Priority Queues
lecture 40, Static Dictionaries
lecture 41, Dynamic Dictionaries
lecture 42, Red Black Trees
lecture 43, Red-Black Trees¡XAgain
lecture 44, Splay Trees
lecture 45, Bottom-Up Splay Trees¡VAnalysis
lecture 46, B-Trees
lecture 47, B-Trees (continued)
lecture 48, B+-Trees
lecture 49, Digital Search Trees & Binary Tries
lecture 50, Binary Tries (continued)
lecture 51, Patricia
lecture 52, Higher Order Tries
lecture 53, Router/Classifier/Firewall Tables
lecture 54, Suffix Trees
Knapsack Problem
Internal Sorting Diagram
Priority Queue based Graph Algorithm