Encapsulation,Message Passing以及Inheritance是構成Object-Oriented的三大要素,如果某程式語言只具備前面兩項特性,一般成為Object-Based。所謂Inheritance(繼承),是指Sub Class(子類別)繼承Super Class(父類別)後,就會自動取得父類別特性。如果子類別繼承了一個以上的父類別,則稱為Multiple Inheritance(多重繼承)。Java為了避開多重繼承的複雜性, class只允許單一繼承。
public class Animal { public String moveMethod() { return "Unspecified"; } } public class Bird extends Animal { public String moveMethod() { return "Fly"; } } public class Dog extends Animal { public String moveMethod() { return "run"; } } public class Fish extends Animal { public String moveMethod() { return "swim"; } }
若class宣告時沒有指定extends,則Java會自動extends java.lang.Object。
public class A { }
public class A extends java.lang.Object { }
所謂casting是指型態轉換, UpCasting是將子類別型態的reference轉型為父類別型態, DownCasting則是將父類別型態的reference轉型成子類別型態。由於子類別可以視為和父類別相容,如Fish, Dog, Bird都是一種Animal, 因此UpCasting一定沒有問題:
Animal a; Bird b; a = b; // upcasting, Bird is a kind of Animal
但在downcasting的情況下, 父類別的reference和子類別並不相容, 如Animal不見得是一個Bird, 因此必須使用(SubClass)的casting語法來做強迫轉換。
Animal a = new Bird(); // upcasting Bird b; b = (Bird)a; // downcasting, compile correct if (a instanceof Bird) { // true }
downcasting除了必須由設計者下達外, JVM在runtime也會檢查實際的物件能否和reference的型態相容
Animal a = new Dog(); // upcasting Bird b; b = (Bird) a; // downcasting, compile correct, but runtime error
public class InheritanceExample { public static void main(String[] argv) { Animal a1, a2, a3, a4; Bird b; Dog d; Fish f; a2 = a1 = new Animal(); b = new Bird(); d = new Dog(); f = new Fish(); System.out.println(a1.moveMethod()); System.out.println(b.moveMethod()); System.out.println(d.moveMethod()); System.out.println(f.moveMethod()); a1 = b; // Correct, we call this upcasting b = a1; // Compile Error, type not compatible b = (Bird)a1; // downcasting, Compile Correct a2 = b; // Correct,we call this upcasting d = a2; // Compile Error, type not compatible d = (Dog)a2; // Compile Correct, but runtime error } }
子類別重新定義它所能看到的父類別中的method(如public, protected, 如果子類別和父類別在同一個package裡, 則沒有修飾字的method也可以), 稱為override。
public class Animal { public String moveMethod() { return "Unspecified"; } } public class Bird extends Animal { // override Animal's moveMethod public String moveMethod() { return "Fly"; } }
public class C2 { public void a() {} } public class C1 extends C2 { protected void a() { // Compile Error,不得縮小存取範圍 } }
在訊息傳遞的章節裡,我們有提到過Object接收到訊息後,是在Runtime才決定實際所要呼叫的Method。由於父類別的reference可以指到子類別物件(Polymorphism),而子類別和父類別可能都定義了相同的Method(Override),當使用父類別reference傳遞訊息給子類別物件時,應該要呼叫父類別的方法還是子類別的方法? 如果
有些程式語言,如C++,以上兩種機制都提供,可由設計者自行決定。但是Java語言為了遵循物件導向的精神,並避免設計者因語言設計複雜而犯錯,因此只提供了Virtual Function。
public class InheritanceExample { public static void main(String[] argv) { Animal a1; a1 = new Animal(); System.out.println(a1.moveMethod()); // print out "Unspecified" a1 = new Bird(); // polymorphism System.out.println(a1.moveMethod()); // print out "Fly" } }
class Animal { public static String moveMethod() { return "Unspecified"; } public static void main(String[] argv) { Animal a1; a1 = new Bird(); System.out.println(a1.moveMethod()); // print out "Unspecified" } } class Bird extends Animal { // we can't override static method public static String moveMethod() { return "Fly"; } }
class Animal { private String moveMethod() { return "Unspecified"; } public static void main(String[] argv) { Animal a1; a1 = new Bird(); System.out.println(a1.moveMethod()); // print out "Unspecified" } } class Bird extends Animal { // this is not override because Bird can't see Animal's moveMethod public String moveMethod() { return "Fly"; } }
採用Virtual Function的優點
public class Shape2D { // define super class public double area() { // all Shape2D have their own area return 0; } } public class Rectangle extends Shape2D { private double length, width; public Rectangle(double l, double w) { // define constructor length = l; width = w; } public double area() { // Override return length * width; } } public class Circle extends Shape2D { private double radius; public Circle(double r) { radius = r; } public double area() { // Override return 3.141592654 * radius * radius; } } public class Parallelogram extends Shape2D { private double top, bottom, height; public Parallelogram(double t, double b, double h) { top = t; bottom = b; height = h; } public double area() { // Override return (top + bottom) * height / 2.0; } } publicclass Main { public static double sum(Shape2D[] shapes) { double total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < shapes.length; i++) { total += shapes[i].area(); // use Virtual Function to calculate area of Shape2D // Without Virtual Function, value of Shape2D.area() will be 0 } return total; } public static void main(String[] argv) { Shape2D[] data; // array of reference to Shape2D data = new Shape2D[5]; // create array object data[0] = new Rectangle(2.4, 3.8); // Polymorphism data[1] = new Circle(3.9); data[2] = new Parallelogram(3.5, 6.7, 10.2); data[3] = new Rectangle(5.3, 7.2); data[4] = new Circle(4.6); System.out.println("Sum of all Shape2D is "+sum(data)); } }
如果程式語言不支援virtual function的話, 則上面的範例就得寫成下面的形式才行
public class Main { // example for non-virtual function implementation public double sum(Shape2D[] shapes) { double total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < shapes.length; i++) { if (shapes[i] instanceof Rectangle) { total += ((Rectangle)shapes[i]).area(); } else if (shapes[i] instanceof Circle) { total += ((Circle)shapes[i]).area(); } else if (shapes[i] instanceof Parallelogram) { total += ((Parallelogram)shapes[i]).area(); } // modify source code here for new sub classes } return total; } public static void main(String[] argv) { Shape2D[] data; // array of reference to Shape2D data = new Shape2D[5]; // create array object data[0] = new Rectangle(2.4, 3.8); // Polymorphism data[1] = new Circle(3.9); data[2] = new Parallelogram(3.5, 6.7, 10.2); data[3] = new Rectangle(5.3, 7.2); data[4] = new Circle(4.6); System.out.println("Sum of all Shape2D is "+sum(data)); } }
final除可用來修飾變數外,也可放在class和object method前面:
public final class FinalClass { public final void finalMethod() { } }
放在class前面表示class不可被繼承, 放在object method表示不可被Override。
class Animal { int aMask = 0x00FF; public Animal() { } public Animal(int mask) { aMask = mask; } } public class Bird extends Animal { int bMask = 0xFF00; int fullMask; public Bird() { // Compiler add super() here fullMask = bMask | aMask; } public Bird(int mask) { /* 若有super,則必須放在第一行,連變數宣告也不能擺在super前面 */ super(mask); fullMask = bMask | aMask; } public static void main(String[] argv) { Bird b = new Bird(); System.out.println(b.fullMask); b = new Bird(0x0011); System.out.println(b.fullMask); } }
當執行new Bird()時,此物件內各個變數的變化如下
步驟 | aMask | bMask | fullMask |
default | 0 | 0 | 0 |
call Bird() | 0 | 0 | 0 |
call Animal() | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Animal initialize | 0x00FF | 0 | 0 |
execute Animal() | 0x00FF | 0 | 0 |
Bird initialize | 0x00FF | 0xFF00 | 0 |
execute Bird() | 0x00FF | 0xFF00 | 0xFFFF |
當執行new Bird(0x0011)時,此物件內各個變數的變化如下
步驟 | aMask | bMask | fullMask |
default | 0 | 0 | 0 |
call Bird(0x0011) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
call Animal(0x0011) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Animal initialize | 0x00FF | 0 | 0 |
execute Animal(0x0011) | 0x0011 | 0 | 0 |
Bird initialize | 0x0011 | 0xFF00 | 0 |
execute Bird(0x0011) | 0x0011 | 0xFF00 | 0xFF11 |